Discover Ramo RCW mulch

Ramo offers the best mulch for maximizing the health of your soil and the growth of your plants. Moreover, Ramo offers the only mulch on the market that contains 100% hardwood chips. Ramo mulch is produced by chipping our fast-growing willow cultures. These wood chips undergo a partial humification (decomposition) by being stored outside as windrows.

This innovative method allows the production of rameal chipped wood featuring the following:


  • Consistent quality and safety throughout the years
  • Homogenous composition, without an acidifying effect on the soil and free of organic compounds potentially toxic for plants
  • Stable and renewable supply year after year

Ramo RCW mulch is offered in bulk or in 2 Ft3 bag


Consult the list of bagged and bulk retailers to find the outlet nearest you.
It is not possible to purchase our products by visiting or calling us.

What is rameal chipped wood (RCW)?

Rameal chipped wood (RCW) is a mix of chips made by shredding hardwood branches (diameter < 7 cm) from the most active and nutrient-rich part of the tree. When used as mulch or amendment, RCW stimulates microbial activity in the soil, and activates the biological processes responsible for its transformation into stable humus. Because of its effect on the humus content of the soil, RCW is an easy and efficient way to improve soil fertility in the long term.


Why use Ramo RCW mulch?

Why use Ramo RCW mulch?

RCW fulfils the functions of conventional mulch, including:

  • Weed control
  • Regulation of soil temperature
  • Maintaining soil moisture content
  • Preventing erosion caused by water and wind

By stimulating the biological activity and the formation of a stable humus in the soil Ramo RCW:

  • Contributes to soil biodiversity
  • Improves soil structure and porosity
  • Reduces nutrient and water intakes necessary for plant growth
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